

DemonsPvP Website Official Release.

We would like to announce the DemonsPvP Network's website public release.


Next, some guidelines on the operation of the website will be explained:



Joining our website is as easy as clicking here, next, enter your Minecraft IGN, your e-mail address where you want to receive the confirmation link and choosing a password. Once you have done that, just login using your credentials.





This is a place where you can interact with the DemonsPvP Community in one of our different categories, always following our rules. 






Request staff assistance. This area of the website allows you to create tickets, choosing one of the different categories, depending on what you need help with. Describe you issue, write you application or your punishment appeal and our team will take care of it!




You can check out the staff that will run the show once we are open here!


Last but not least, we want to thank all the testers and future players that have reported issues for allowing us to fix them and release de the website!






DemonsPvP Network Team.

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Posted  5 months ago